The last thing you want to do about shoulder pain is to suffer through countless surgeries and bottles of pain killers. At Kosak Chiropractic and Acupuncture in Omaha, Nebraska, we provide patients with all-natural, non-invasive pain relief for shoulder pain. We treat sports injuries, car crash injuries, and herniated discs in the upper spine causing shoulder pain. Discover the typical causes of shoulder pain along with ways we treat this as one of the leading Omaha chiropractors for families.
Your shoulders are made up of joints, tendons, and muscles all connected to your musculoskeletal system. Whenever there is a misalignment in the bones or tissue in the shoulder, this creates inflammation. The swelling from this inflammation presses against nerves and pushes other muscles out of position. As a result, most people suffering from a shoulder injury or shoulder pain lose some or all mobility in the shoulder, which is called frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis.
Shoulder pain can be caused by trauma, and injury, or repetitive use. Infections and nerve problems can also lead to shoulder pain. Examples of these shoulder conditions include:
Speaking of tendon tears, symptoms of sprained or strained shoulders include:
If you are suffering from any type of shoulder pain or have injured your shoulder, treatment from Omaha chiropractors is a recommended solution.
When we see patients who have shoulder pain at our Omaha chiropractor, we start by getting to the root of the injury or condition. By understanding what is causing your pain we can help resolve it naturally using chiropractic adjustments, massage therapy, and acupuncture.
We provide a comprehensive, personalized treatment plan following a detailed analysis of a patient’s medical history and physical condition. From here, you begin your chiropractic shoulder pain treatment in Omaha to relieve your shoulder pain and treat your shoulder injury.
At our chiropractic doctor in Omaha, we specialize in all-natural treatments that do not involve medications or surgery. For shoulder pain our treatments include:
In addition, we provide chiropractic adjustments to realign your musculoskeletal system. This ensures your shoulder muscles, tendons, joints, and bones are all in the proper position. This is also the first step in helping to improve your shoulder condition. Once your spine and shoulder are in the right alignment, we can proceed with treating the injury at the source.
Benefits of chiropractic treatments for shoulder pain include:
Our Omaha chiropractor, Dr. Kevin Kosak treats patients of all ages. We are the leading pediatric chiropractor treating infants, children, and teenagers in the Omaha metro area. Specifically, at Kosak Chiropractic and Acupuncture, we treat patients living in:
Dr. Kosak is also a chiropractor for pregnant and nursing mothers, offering all-natural prenatal pain relief. Are you experiencing joint pain in the shoulder associated with your pregnancy? Now is the time to get chiropractic care to relieve your pain. We also work with athletes and sports professionals who have endured rotator cuff injuries or traumatic sports injuries leading to shoulder pain.
To schedule your chiropractic appointment for shoulder pain, contact Kosak Chiropractic and Acupuncture at 402-513-8954. When you call in, ask about our free chiropractic consultation for all of our new patients.
14450 Eagle Run Dr #150
Omaha, NE 68116
United States
Phone: (402) 964-0300
9:30am-12:30pm &