Back and Neck Pain FAQ's in West Omaha
Our West Omaha chiropractor at Kosak Chiropractic & Acupuncture encounters many patients each day who are suffering from upper and low back pain and neck pain. This can be due to an injury in a car accident or a sporting event or arise due to degenerative conditions or poor posture. Here are some common questions Dr. Kosak hears from patients.
Spinal misalignments can cause back and neck pain. However, neck pain can be sourced by overusing mobile devices, repetitious head motions, whiplash, or sleeping in a bad position or upon an un-ergonomic pillow. Patients with back pain often suffer from herniated discs, subluxations and vertebral misalignments that pinch nerves and cause discomfort and limit mobility. These injuries often occur from heavy lifting, slipping and falling or sudden twisting.
Chiropractors have attending school for several years to receive the proper training to treat conditions of the human body. They understand how each part of the spine plays a vital role in the body’s functioning and overall levels of health. Our chiropractor in West Omaha offers natural, non-invasive solutions to help patients in Omaha, NE get pain relief without surgery or medications.
Our West Omaha chiropractor will conduct an initial consultation and perform a few tests to accurately diagnose the source of your pain. Testing includes a physical exam, x-rays and any other diagnostics that may be necessary to determine the best course of treatment, such as a chiropractic adjustment.
We use chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture, electrical muscle stimulation, corrective exercises, physiotherapy techniques and intersegmental traction to treat body pain and promote faster healing.
In cases of accidents, there’s no way to avoid pain from injuries. However, you can take precautions by avoiding heavy lifting, practicing good posture and wearing safety equipment when engaging in risky activities.
Give us a call at Kosak Chiropractic & Acupuncture at 402-964-0300 today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Kosak to discuss your back and neck issues. Don’t forget to ask us about our new client special.
14450 Eagle Run Dr #150
Omaha, NE 68116
United States
Phone: (402) 964-0300
9:30am-12:30pm &