Chiropractic treatments and acupuncture are considered alternative treatments for chronic pain. That means it’s not always easy for patients to find out how they are covered under a healthcare plan, or if they will be paying out of pocket.
Kosak Chiropractic and Acupuncture work to help patients by accepting a broad number of health insurance plans that support treatments like this, including Nebraska Total Care Insurance. However, the details are still important. Here’s what you should know.
Finding specific answers about your health insurance can be very challenging. The details of health plans often prove confusing to patients that want to understand their care and associated costs. That’s why Kosak Chiropractic & Acupuncture advocates for patients, representing them as they seek answers about health insurance and choose the treatments that work best for them.
Kosak Chiropractic’s licensed, professional services can be used to help in many different situations, including:
If a medical professional, such as your physician or another doctor, has recommended chiropractic care for your condition or related problems, we can help you arrange for treatment and determine its impact on your insurance coverage.
All health insurance comes with built-in limitations about what exactly it covers, and to what extent. However, patients may struggle to find the details because plans vary from person to person, and may change depending on complex rules about different kinds of health insurance for chiropractic care. To find out more, here’s how you can contact Kosak Chiropractic and Acupuncture:
Health coverage can vary, but covering alternative chiropractic treatments is more common than ever, helping you save money. To learn exactly what’s covered under your Nebraska Total Care chiropractic health insurance plan and make an appointment, contact us today through our website or a phone call:
Kosak Chiropractic & Acupuncture
14450 Eagle Run Dr #150
Omaha, NE 68116 United States
Phone: (402) 718-9579
14450 Eagle Run Dr #150
Omaha, NE 68116
United States
Phone: (402) 964-0300
9:30am-12:30pm &